General insurance, also known as non-life insurance, is a type of insurance that provides coverage for a wide range of risks other than life. It encompasses various insurance products that protect individuals, businesses, and properties against potential losses and liabilities. Unlike life insurance, which provides coverage for the duration of a person's life, general insurance policies typically provide coverage for a specified period. Types of Coverage: General insurance offers coverage across different areas, including:


  • Property Insurance: Covers damage or loss to properties such as homes, buildings, vehicles, and belongings due to perils like fire, theft, natural disasters, or accidents.
  • Liability Insurance: Protects against legal liabilities arising from third-party claims, such as personal injury, property damage, or professional negligence.
  • Health Insurance: Provides coverage for medical expenses, hospitalization, and related costs for individuals or families.
  • Motor Insurance: Covers vehicles against damages or losses due to accidents, theft, or third-party liability.
  • Travel Insurance: Offers protection for unforeseen events during domestic or international travel, including trip cancellations, medical emergencies, or lost baggage.
  • Marine Insurance: Insures ships, cargo, and marine-related risks during transit, including goods in transit, marine liabilities, and hull insurance.
  • Miscellaneous Insurance: Includes specialized coverage like burglary insurance, engineering insurance, aviation insurance, and more.